American “Camp Meeting Songs”. There was a movement around the turn of the 19th century called the “Second Great Awakening” when large groups of Protestants gathered and camped out in the wilderness together for days on end—these were “Camp Meetings." It’s like in that song we taught at folk camp last year: “we read, we sing, we preach and pray and find the lord most precious”. These camps were of the “low church”, ideologically nonhierarchical, and unusually diverse for their times, with African Americans and women preaching to men and women, slaves and slaveholders alike. From these meetings, various political movements aimed at improving society gained momentum—from abolishing slavery, to granting women’s social and political rights, to prohibiting alcohol. In addition to having this utopian-egalitarian germ in a bunch of these songs, a lot of them are musically very beautiful, and we’ll spend most of our time basking in this beauty and the feeling of unity these songs create.